Arizona Desert Endurance is a multi-sport and running coaching service, powered by TriDot and RunDot. AZDE is dedicated to providing you with the best coaching services possible to enable you to reach your goals while reducing the likelihood of injury and ensuring you still have time for the rest of your life.  

You get to choose the level of coaching desired, and thereby how much you pay, and maintain control over your day-to-day training. Through Data Optimized Training, you get more QUALITY in your workouts rather than quantity, meaning you have time for the rest of your life while still realizing improvements in each discipline and reducing the likelihood of injury.

You will receive motivation and accountability from your coach, as well as personalized instruction, guidance and feedback throughout your training journey.


Ram symbolism is present throughout most cultures and mythologies. This animal is commonly associated with leadership, determination, boldness, new beginnings and defiance. The ram is linked to many  characteristics such as courage, energy, power, bravery, strength, confidence and sure-footedness. 

All of these characteristics are qualities that you will develop and enhance as an endurance athlete. Embrace your inner Ram.

Arizona Desert Endurance core values

  • We are unafraid to dream big and continually challenge ourselves with big goals. We are unafraid to pursue our dreams and will do so unfettered.

  • We will forge a path regardless of setbacks and roadblocks. We acknowledge that we are greater together than alone.

  • We hold faith in ourselves and embrace the personal qualities that lend us the ability to accomplish what we set out to do. We will stand tall in the face of adversity and trust each other for support when we need it.

  • We are bold and unafraid of moving forward with something new if it is necessary. We adjust willingly and quickly to stay ahead of the curve.

  • We take responsibility for ourselves, our training, and our health. We own both our achievements and our mistakes with humility and integrity.

  • We wholeheartedly believe that all people have worth and value and should be welcomed in our sport as equals. We strive for safe and fair competition in our sport and will abide by all rules and regulations set forth by the governing body.

  • We work hard, but ensure we enjoy the process along the way. We leave time to play and relax with our friends and family.

  • We strive to become our best selves – in sport and in life – by continually seeking improvement.  We believe that by working hard, we can make incremental improvements every day.